August 24 2024

Fishermen’s Day to be officially marked in B.Atoll Thulaadho

News -Decision

A delegation from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources visited B. Thulhaadhoo yesterday to discuss preparations for this year's Fishermen's Day celebrations, which will be hosted on the island.

The visiting team, led by State Minister Mohamed Muhthalib and accompanied by other technical officials, held official meetings with the Island Council, the local school, and the health center during their visit.

The primary focus of these meetings was to discuss and finalize arrangements for the official events related to Fishermen's Day. The team also scheduled meetings with various stakeholders in the fishing industry, including local fishermen, to ensure that all aspects of the celebrations are well-coordinated and inclusive.

The government has confirmed that this year's Fishermen's Day celebrations will be held in B. Thulhaadhoo, emphasizing the island's significance in the Maldivian fishing community.