August 21, 2024

Minister Ahmed Shiyam's speech at the event honoring the Australian Defence, Force's Indo-Pacific Endeavor 2024

Dateandtime:  19th  August 2024, 8;00pm

Duration:  5-6 mins

Venue/Format:  Velana International Airport, Eastern Apron

Theme: Australian Défense Force’s, Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2024





I am pleased to stand before you today as we gather for the Indo-Pacific Endeavor 2024. This occasion is not just a meeting of minds, but a powerful testament to our shared commitment to fostering peace, stability, and prosperity across this vibrant and strategically vital region.

This year holds special significance, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the Maldives and Australia. Over the past five decades, our relationship has evolved into a robust and enduring partnership, marked by mutual respect, trust, and a shared commitment to the values that have shaped our nations.

Australia has been a steadfast friend to the Maldives, and our relationship has flourished through our collaborative efforts in various fields, including education, tourism, trade, and environmental conservation. I thank the Government of Australia for the assistance in different fields which have contributed significantly to the socio-economic development of the Maldives.

As we look back on the past 50 years, we see a journey marked by shared successes and a commitment to a future where both our nations thrive. Our partnership has also been about working together on global platforms to advocate for issues that are of mutual interest. Whether it is climate change, maritime security, or sustainable development, the Maldives and Australia have consistently found common ground and have worked together to amplify our voices on the world stage.

The Maldives, a nation defined by its relationship with the ocean, understands the profound significance of the Indo-Pacific. The waters that surround us are not mere boundaries; they are lifelines that connect us, sustain us, and present us with both opportunities and responsibilities. As such, our commitment to ensuring the security and sustainability of these waters is deeply ingrained in our national ethos.

The Indo-Pacific is more than a geographic expanse. It is the beating heart of the global economy, a crossroads where East meets West, and a cultural mosaic where diverse traditions and histories converge. It is a region that is home to over half of the world’s population, a region that drives global economic growth, and a region where the aspirations of billions of people are shaped by the ebb and flow of the tides.

In this context, the importance of maintaining a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific cannot be overstated. The stability of this region is crucial not only for the countries within it but for the world at large. It is within this framework that the Indo-Pacific Endeavor takes on profound significance. This initiative represents a collective effort to address the challenges we face, from maritime security and territorial integrity to climate change and sustainable development.

The Indo-Pacific Endeavor 2024 is a shining example of how we can work together to promote peace and stability in the region. Through this initiative, we are not only strengthening our ties but also deepening our people-to-people connections and fostering mutual understanding.

We are committed to upholding the principles of international law, supporting regional cooperation, and promoting environmental sustainability. These are not just diplomatic imperatives for us; they are essential to the survival and well-being of our people.

In terms of security, the Indo-Pacific is a region of both great promise and potential volatility. The challenges we face—whether they are traditional security threats, such as territorial disputes, or non-traditional threats, like piracy, human trafficking, and illegal fishing—require a coordinated and comprehensive approach. The Maldives is committed to contributing to regional security through collaboration, capacity building, and the sharing of best practices.

The foreign policy of President His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Muizzu emphasizes a balanced and diversified approach with all countries. For President Dr. Muizzu, safeguarding these waters is crucial for ensuring sustainable development and prosperity for the Maldivian people, as well as the sovereignty and independence of the country.

As we gather here today, we must also recognize the importance of connectivity. The Indo-Pacific is a region defined by its connections—between nations, between economies, and between people. Enhancing these connections, whether through physical infrastructure, digital networks, or people-to-people exchanges, is crucial for unlocking the full potential of our region. The Maldives is keen to play a role in this effort, by improving maritime connectivity, promoting sustainable tourism, and facilitating cultural exchanges that bring our peoples closer together.

Tonight, as we embark on this significant initiative, let us do so with a spirit of partnership and collaboration. Let us remember that our strength lies in our unity, and that the challenges of our time demand collective action. The Indo-Pacific Endeavor is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together, our shared efforts will lead to lasting positive outcomes. I am confident that together, we can build a future where our region remains one of peace, prosperity, and opportunity for all. Let us continue to build on the strong foundations we have established, and work towards a brighter, more secure future for the Indo-Pacific.

Before closing, I would like to reiterate my heartfelt thanks to High Commissioner Jessup and the Australian Government for this wonderful opportunity to celebrate our enduring partnership. Thank you, High Commissioner Jessup, for hosting us, and for your dedication to building our close partnership.


I thank you all.


Minister Ahmed Shiyam's at speech at Indo-Pacific Endeavor 2024.
